

With such a powerFull (Blue) Moon having just graced our presence and the Lions/Stargate Portal (8-8-8) activating us on so many different levels & planes, we are either soaring through the Universe in Wholeness and Harmony – or caught in an illusionary downward spiral where we believe we are falling apart.

We’ve all been there (the casual ‘not-so-midlife’ crisis where all seems to be against us), yet when within this space of disillusion we must look beyond the matrix – or ‘think outside the box’ if you will.  See that every now & then we simply need a present moment to disconnect (from work, the internet, others – distractions & energies outside of our own), to reconnect (with ourSelf, Earth, the Universe – the Creator & Creations). Here, we find ourSelf welcoming Truth, Peace & Love home again. Here is where we Thrive!

Mindfulness, meditation, Kundalini awakenings – our collective consciousness is growing nearer with each waking moment and we have begun to re-member, as One.  In turn, we are returning the hands of time, releasing ourSelf from such illusions and dismissing the limitations so that we break free of the thoughts (fear, doubts, worries, etc.) that chained us.

How this works:

As we carry forth through our days, we appear to travel amongst different wavelengths and may encounter ‘static’ (lower vibrations, toxins or negative energies – from beings, environments, foods, media…) where we are more susceptible to drain & creating dis-ease (in our body, mind & spirit).  Yet on the reverse when still & clear, we open portals to our Soul & Universe where we can feel (and are more receptive to) the beautiful flow of pure healing energy that is continuously being shared with & through Us All.

Moving forward within this knowing, we take note of not solely the energy we surround ourSelf with, but that in which we emanate as well.  We focus further into Wholeness – matching and reflecting mirrored balanced vibrations. This vibrational healing presence, this prayer, this balance awareness – this conscious equal energy exchange – is what raises our vibration so that we may heal & recall the Universal truth that We Are All.  Here, we ARE. And within Wholeness & awareness of our BEING, we glow & grow.

We must radiate & be present in Wholeness – matching, igniting, and reflecting balanced vibrations – taking daily moments to ourSelf to relax, reflect, release & re-member.  Disconnect & Re-Connect with All of ourSelf, so that we may awaken to our true potential, purpose & power.

Our journey has solely just begun…

Awaken, remember.

‘Re-member,’ a word that when broken down can represent and illustrate the very depth of the boundless. A word that creates recreation, and brings forth recollection, awareness, being, unity & peace. One of Absolute… Power & Love.

May we take time away, quite literally – where we disconnect from falsities, distractions, and fears – to remain present and enjoy the journey…⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀

Silence the mind, and let your Soul speak; for what our Soul says cannot be heard until this moment of Consciousness & Awakening occurs. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀

‘It is True: You are the Universe; it’s pronounced YOUniverse for a reason. Expose & release your ‘flaws’ as they hold the key to your Perfection. You are Divine. You are Divinity. You are Beautiful, Pure & Everything you wish to see & be…✨⚡️⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Disconnect &
w yourSelf.


You Are the Universe.


Your Self
Your Soul

Are ALL that IS.

Seeking a deeper innerstanding? Check out the Innerversity to reveal the dynamic curriculum awaiting you.


See you in the stars…

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