
Conscious Content

The Reality of Astral Projection

IN BRIEF The Facts:Multiple documents from the CIA electronic reading room shed light on the agencies, and other countries use of ‘astral projection’ and other parapsychological phenomena. Reflect […]

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The Magic Within – An Interview with Dulce Ruby on CETV!

After years of wishing to remain ‘behind the scenes’ and out of camera view beyond still imagery & art creations, I’ve finally gotten back on the horse called media […]

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It’s Flowtime: 1st Look At The Biosensing Meditation Tool

Soul Traveler has been expanding in a number of ways and it’s such an exciting time as I not only continue to carry and create here, but also […]

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Take A Quantum Leap – HEALING SUMMIT 2019

Let’s start with a story… About a month ago I began a conversation with an open mind and heart. Not knowing where it would lead nor having any […]

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From The Buddha Room At Dar Soukkar

While I can appreciate a good evening out, both glamorous and rare, I always find myself becoming an introvert out of its shell. This is what happened whilst […]

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Mama Wellness Workshop – London, UK with IAMDDB

A Note on Sisterhood✨ Let’s start this off by saying, I have 3 amazing blood sisters who I would do anything for – they’re my closest allies and […]

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The Life of Death – A Moving Animation

“The Life of Death is a touching hand-drawn animation about the day Death fell in love with Life.” These are the words written by the creator of this […]

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ISSUE 2 – EVOLVE   What is it I need to unlearn, and how do I unlearn it? There are so many stories of grandeur we’ve been taught about […]

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Sumba Island, Nihiwatu – British Polo Day

British Polo Day – Sumba Island

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