
Out of this World

You are whomever you choose to be.

Beyond this planet of existence, is our higher – true – Self.  If we solely look beyond the physical, material and 3D aspect of said Life, we may see far beyond flesh & deeper into Soul. This is my snippet of how to look beyond, and what you may find when you still the body & mind.

This week I sought out to transport mySelf back into another dream.   There is this strong affinity towards the Skies that I no longer seek explanation for; in which I fully possess, accept and am. Because of this, my current being finds herSelf within books, words, and Light – on the Cosmos, of Energy & Spirit. More books are being written here before you, as you are living the ever eternal present story of LIFE. The gift of Ourstory is One – of power, peace & love – and yet, somewhere down the line we were told otherwise, taught to believe false tales and soon forgotten was our Truth.  There are a few of Us who remember however, and with this Light I wish to share with you all The Story of the Universe…

   The seasons are changing, and so are we – Just like the Moon, we go through phases… it is the nature of Existence; Mother Earth, the Skies & our Soul – forever intertwined, forever One. It may sound odd, such words in such sequence – but it’s true, and that’s solely the beginning of Universal Truth.

In coming weeks I will aim to unveil your Eyes, and bring us more into Self & Wholeness.  I, thySelf, mySelf.. wish for nothing more than for Us to read the Skies & listen to the Wind – learn of Our purity & power; the magic within each and every one of Us.  We each have the Power – if of pure intent, heart & Soul – to speak our very Dreams into existence, so that we may live the reality we wish and be that very euphoric bliss we so seek.   We must unite in reaching for the stars and beyond, to travel out of this World and into an awakening unlike any other to have come before.


Universal Reminders:

(repeat to yourSelf as you see fit; to affirm, confirm and remind)

Self Love is Self healing; shine your light from within & watch it eliminate all outside darkness.  Nothing matters more than your personal happiness & well being.  

Remember to fulfill filling your voids, before feeling the need to create distractions & vices. 

Your vibe speaks volumes louder than any words could ever speak.

Vibes attract vibes; be cautious of the energy you’re releasing. 

Energy wise, soak in what you can & block out what you must. 

Exude positivity; forbid negativity.

There’s no time for small talk, closed minds nor negativity; to be completely honest, there’s no time for time.

Don’t over-think or force anything; let everything flow & cultivate organically.  

Be wise of your perceptions. Be wise in your selections.

Eliminate Self-limiting beliefs.

Allow yourSelf to do as you please; what makes you happy is what keeps your world on its axis.. . stop focusing on another’s revolution.

Believe good things will happen & create your own luck.  

Everything you are searching for will be revealed to you. Everything you are after will come. Everything you wish to be, you already are.

We are limitless, luminous Light; You are the Universe (it’s pronounced YOUniverse for a reason). I am. I Am. I AM.



Remember, re-member, REMEMBER…

Be the Light in the Darkness, so that even at night the Sun shines for you. Transcend. Be aware of your Self and your surroundings; not everyone deserves your energy, and those you spoon feed distract you from You. Stand tall. Embrace your power, individuality & purpose. Remember you are built of stars; reflect your Light & shine bright!


Journey with Me..✨
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